TartanJogger on FB at last!

TartanJogger on FB at last!

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve taken the social media world by storm!

Only kidding.

I’ve set up a TartanJogger page on Facebook! 😀


So, the way I see it, you have two choices. Number One: ignore this post. Number Two: put your real life on hold and head over to FB to like meeeeee!

Since starting my blog, I’ve had FB linked to my personal facebook page. That meant that my friends and family were treated to had no choice but to read my blog posts. Ha! Now, my timeline is not dotted with running related posts quite as much!

I’ve been on twitter, G+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Path and BlogLovin’ for some time. I reckon I’ve now completed the set.

Where do you link your blog posts to? Would you say you’re social media savvy, or a SM novice? Does it matter? 😉

27 thoughts on “TartanJogger on FB at last!

  1. Well done on getting your blog out there! I like using free social media to try and get people to my blog (twitter being my favorite). My post usually just go on my Facebook timeline, perhaps I should create a page in the future! 🙂

  2. I haven’t linked any social media to my blog yet. I don’t want them linked to my personal stuff because I’m paranoid about the crazies out there. Plus, I have a hard enough time writing my blog posts – I can’t imagine what I would come up with to keep things different from forum to forum. LOL

  3. Cool. I have liked your page.

    I always posts my blogs on my personal fb page and also my twitter account. I would be curious to know if you get more people then your followers now on your page. I have wondered that before. I know that Piper’s Run has a page too.

    Maybe something I will have to think about.

    1. I’m not sure, but I’ll post an update if I think it has added traffic! For me, I’m happy if those reading enjoy it, more than numbers 🙂

      1. Oh me too.

        Warren said to me yesterday that the relationship I have with you and fellow readers is the modern day pen pal.

        I was talking about some of our comments yesterday on our run. 🙂

      2. I’ve never thought about it like that before; he’s so right!
        And we don’t have to wait weeks for letters via snail mail: bonus! 🙂

  4. My posts automatically go out on my personal twitter and fb accounts, but I have also been wondering about setting up an fb page for my blog. I’ll be interested to hear how that works out for you. In the meantime, I’m off to find and like your page 🙂

  5. I’m sure the storm is brewing! I look forward to reading your updates!
    I link my blog to my Get Going, Get Running Facebook page, but I’ll admit keeping the Facebook page going does really cut into blogging time.
    Am I social media savvy? No way. I mean, I know what SEO stands for, but not what it *means* nor how to implement it.

      1. Thanks! I see you’re over 30 likes already and it’s only been a few hours since your post!

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