Monday Motivation 

Monday Motivation 

Let me start tonight by checking you’re all safe, tucked up at home and out of these storms: we’ve just said goodbye to Storm Gertrude and we’re now facing Storm Henry who is just beginning to whip up now.

I’ve had a great week, which had been punctuated by DOMS after each class and run, resulting in some difficulty in getting up and down stairs at work! It’s been fun 😉 I do like it, though, in a weird way- I know I’ve worked hard and my fitness is returning as my muscles repair.

Next on my agenda is to get my kitchen habits back on track. Not that we ate badly last week, we had a week of solid, healthy food, but I’m happy to get back to refuelling properly .  

Have a wonderful week!

Tasty Tuesday

Tasty Tuesday

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last foodie post, so I thought I’d share some of my tasty treats from the last week. My excuse for eating such big portions is:

1. I LOOOVE food

2. I’m back in training, so I need fuel 😉

3. Did I say that I just loveeee food?

I’ve had some lovely, homely and filling mid week dinners, courtesy of @TheWelshWookie. There included his delish turkey chilli with brown rice:


Malay chicken salad:


And turkey pesto wholegrain pasta. Yes, I love turkey 😉


On Saturday, we had soup for lunch. Usually, TheWookie would make his own soup, but we tried out Glorious fresh soup. It was good, I’d definitely recommend it:


But we did have some home made roasted onion bread with it:


And here’s my post-long run snack from Saturday:


I’m hungry just posting the pics! And now I’m off to find out what’s on the menu tonight…

What’s on the menu with you tonight?