A Friday Funny

A Friday Funny

Happy Friday all! Hope you all have a busy weekend, with lots of running planned 🙂

I hope you’ve survived today, being Friday the 13th, and a full moon. Spooky!


I stumbled across this on the satire site Waterford Whispers News and it really made me laugh. I hope you enjoy it for what it is, no offence is intended!

Jogging Couples

@TheWelshWookie and I are settling down with a Cava to watch Spain v The Netherlands.

What are your plans for tonight? Do you ever run holding hands with anyone? 😉




Welcome to my 300th blog post! And, I had to find any excuse to celebrate by posting a picture of fellow Scot Gerard Butler as a Spartan ❤

This probably reminded him of the weather at home:


Anyone out there doing a Spartan race this year?

If so, this might be the workout for you, courtesy of Men’s Health 🙂

GB Relay Update

Tonight, I saw this post on Facebook:

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So, with FREE STAGES up for grabs, now might well be the time for you and your team to bag a few stages!

Happy Friday, all!

Bitter Suite Friday

Bitter Suite Friday

Happy Weekend to you, welcome to Friday!

Today is exactly four weeks until @TheWelshWookie and I get married.  Eeek! Time is flying by!


I mentioned in yesterday’s post that we were heading to a concert tonight. Do you want to know which concert? It’s a band I was a HUGE fan of when I was at school and at University: Hue and Cry.

They’re marking the 25th Anniversary of their dual album ‘Remote’ and ‘Bitter Suite’. Remote was a good, fun pop album, with slight political overtones. Bitter Suite was more acoustic, and was recorded live at the Renfrew Ferry. I love them both!


And so, Hue & Cry are playing two gigs: tomorrow night is a big, live full band set to celebrate Remote, while tonight is a full acoustic play through of Bitter Suite, with some ‘surprises’. I cannot wait!

I’m looking forward to having a break from wedding stuff, and from normal life – and reliving my teenage years for a few hours 😉

What was the last gig you went to? Have you revisited teenage bands much?

An Early Weekend

An Early Weekend

Today is my Friday! Yay! I can celebrate the arrival of the weekend 😉


@TheWelshWookie and I are off for a wee night out tomorrow: we are going to a concert, and will perhaps visit a hostelry or two while we’re out…… 😉 Watch out, Glasgow!

Well, our spring weather has lasted two days, today we’re back to ‘light drizzle’. Surprise, surprise, eh? But that didn’t get in the way of @TheWelshWookie and my three miler. We’re sticking to this Hal Higdon training plan like glue.

It was quite a slow run tonight: I had lead legs. That’s the first time in aaaaages that this has happened – I guess I’ve been overdue a rough run. But, hey. I got it done 😉

#ATWRBR2014: Today’s run brings my weekly total up to 11.27 kilometres, giving me 45.08 kilometres for the month so far 🙂

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Non-Foodie Friday

Non-Foodie Friday

Welcome to the weekend once again! What do you have planned?

I have an eight mile run tomorrow morning, followed by a weekend of watching more Six Nations rugby action 😉

Tonight, I was going to post a Foodie Friday blog. But, when I checked, I didn’t have enough pics to share! 😮

So, here’s a picture to make you smile instead:



Don’t forget to email Kyla tomorrow with the number of kilometres you have run this week. I can’t wait to see how far we’ve run during the first week!

AWOL Weekend

AWOL Weekend

Happy Friday everyone!

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I’m just dropping by with a brief post, in case anyone misses me thinks I’ve disappeared over the weekend! I have a ton of stuff to do wedding-wise. Yeah, including a second Hen Do 😉 Lucky me! 😀

I’m planning to squeeze in my seven miler at some point, and I might be back to surprise you check in. But, if I don’t, I’ll see you on the other side of the weekend.

Don’t Forget: TOMORROW is day one of the Around the World Running Blog Relay 2014. Make sure you’ve signed up. If you haven’t, now’s your chance. Do it now, here. 🙂

Have a great one all! 🙂

Tasty Tuesday

Tasty Tuesday

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last foodie post, so I thought I’d share some of my tasty treats from the last week. My excuse for eating such big portions is:

1. I LOOOVE food

2. I’m back in training, so I need fuel 😉

3. Did I say that I just loveeee food?

I’ve had some lovely, homely and filling mid week dinners, courtesy of @TheWelshWookie. There included his delish turkey chilli with brown rice:


Malay chicken salad:


And turkey pesto wholegrain pasta. Yes, I love turkey 😉


On Saturday, we had soup for lunch. Usually, TheWookie would make his own soup, but we tried out Glorious fresh soup. It was good, I’d definitely recommend it:


But we did have some home made roasted onion bread with it:


And here’s my post-long run snack from Saturday:


I’m hungry just posting the pics! And now I’m off to find out what’s on the menu tonight…

What’s on the menu with you tonight?

Piping for the Weekend

Piping for the Weekend

Hi everyone! Here, on the West Coast of Scotland, we’ve reached the weekend, and @TheWelshWookie and I have spent the evening scrubbing the kitchen…… it’s Spring Clean Weekend here! A bit early, but, oh well!

We’re just about to have some pasta, some vino, and relax. Tomorrow morning it’s the living room and bathroom’s turn for a good clean, before the Six Nations rugby starts, of course! 😉

Here’s something to kick start your weekend: a lil’ bit of Red Hot Chilli Pipers covering Avicii courtesy of BBC Radio 1.


Thinking About Training Plans

Thinking About Training Plans

Well, we have made it to Friday. I’ll admit, there were times this week I wasn’t sure whether Friday was creeping closer, or pulling further away!


This weekend, I’ll be running and doing some wedding planning. Someone has to!

But I’ll also be reading this:


I have been perusing various training plans, trying to see which one is most likely to suit me for marathon training. Up until now, I have always used Nike training plans. But for the forthcoming RnR Madrid half, I’ve decided to try out Hal Higdon’s training plan. If I’m honest, the iPhone app seems pretty cool, so that persuaded me!

I’m really looking forward to comparing it to the ones I’ve used in the past, to see how it fits my running.

But, the wonderful Full Moon Runner suggested I read Greg McMillan’s book. I downloaded it last night, and got stuck in!

I’m only a few chapters into it, but so far, I’m already thinking differently about how I run, and how I train. I can absolutely understand why you’d personalise a training plan, and I’m excited about that, too! I’m sure that this book will be devoured over the weekend, and I promise to give you all my views on it 😉

Which training plan do you use? Do you develop your own?  Have you read this book yet?

Foodie Friday

Foodie Friday

Welcome to the weekend, y’all!

Today, I’ve been thinking about all of those lucky ducks in Orlando, running the various Run Disney races! In particular, I was thinking about PirateBobcat who is half way through the Dopey Challenge.

I’d love to run that! Maybe next year! 😉

This week, I tried had to climb back onto the healthy eating bandwagon, I really did. And I’ve been only partially successful! Here’s some of my eats from this week, and last week:

Here’s the seafood starter we had at the New Year Gala Dinner. It was awesome!
We enjoyed some lovely treats: marinated sun dried tomatoes and mozzarella. Yum!
Here’s an attempt at some healthier eating. It as like a healthy pot noodle, and was delish!
Aren’t these mini hot dogs soooo cute?
Posh chocolate…
Maybe next week I’ll get back on track…. 😉